As predicted, the sky was full of gray clouds when I woke up this morning. There were patches of lighter sky too, but gray was the color of the day.
The morning started with a wonderful breakfast. The side table contained a selection of cereals and breads, but I didn't visit that table; I was more than happy with the full breakfast delvered by server as soon as I sat down. What was it? A dish of fresh strawberries and kiwi, followed by eggs, an interesting cheesy rice dish, and a third dish that I didn't taste that looked something like corned beef hash. Good food, and good conversation too since I shared a table with a couple from Iowa. Unlike my riding down the street and just liking the looks of this inn last night, my breakfast companions researched their home for several nights in Bar Harbor. They told me that one of the things that attracted them was the front porch. I have to admit that's what caught my eye too.
I had all intentions of being on the road by quarter to 9, but I didn't make it. Instead I ended up having a nice talk with a woman from Oregon City who was waiting to go in to breakfast. Once we were done sharing information, I grabbed my panniers and headed out. First stop (of course) was to pick up a fresh blueberry muffin for snacking on the road. Second stop was for what seems to be my normal blue Gatorade (on this trip at least). And then, it was time to ride into Acadia once again.
And yes, today's ride really was another trip around Park Loop Road. Can you tell I like it? A good portion of the road is one way. Cars are allowed to park on the right, but for the most part both lanes were free for driving or riding. With the switch in weather today, cooler and gray instead of yesterday's crystal blue sky, there seemed to be fewer people on the road. And the change in conditions made everything look fresh to me, a change from yesterday. I stopped near Thunder Hole to walk on the rocks and soak in the ocean views, and as I looked back toward Sand Beach I could see fog and low clouds rolling in.
The scenery? Beautiful. A pounding ocean, rocks, green trees but with an occasional outcropping of red. The road? Rolling hills, smooth, pleasant. The people along the road? Friendly, all enjoying the wonders of Acadia, sharing experiences.
As the road pulled away from the water and I headed towards Jordan Pond, I could feel a change in the air, a light drizzle. At that point I was wearing my screaming yellow wind vest, and the water in the air wasn't enough to make me switch to my rain jacket. And yes, it was hiding in my single pannier, just in case. The real rain was kind to me today; it didn't start until I was back and loading my bike into the car for our motorized ride back to Massachusetts.
A quick change of clothes - since I didn't want to wear sweaty biking clothes on what I figured would be a 5-hour drive - and it was time to head towards home.
Of course I had to make a quick stop just after I left Mt. Desert Island. I passed a farm selling blueberries, and I just had to treat myself to some wonderful Maine berries. These are teeny tiny (wild) blueberries that have a wonderful flavor. It used to be that I could get them in the Boston area for a weeek or so each year, but I haven't seen them in a while. What a wonderful treat!